Bible Study The Book Of Ephesians
Verse By Verse

Lesson 42 Chapter Six Verses 10 - 12

Vs. 10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and the power of His might.”

…Retrospective Glance…

At this point in our study of the Ephesian epistle, let us pause for a moment, and give a retrospective glance toward the accumulative blessings the church at Ephesus has been the recipient of. We see them sitting “together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (2: 6), and from this vantage point they hear and see many of the deep things of the Spirit of God.

…Paul‘s Unexcelled Doxology...

They hear Paul’s unexcelled doxology of praise to God, wherein he says ““blessed be the God and Father of’ our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (1:3).
Immediately following, the Ephesians are reminded that their being in Christ is due to God’s eternal unconditional electing grace and love, (1: 4)

…Substitute Sacrifice…

Borne along by the Spirit they learn that God’s unmerited favor included the giving of Christ to be their substitute sacrifice, “in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (1:7). The infinite blessing of redemption is set over and against the ultimate ill which the Ephesians were deserving of, and free grace of God is made the exclusive means of their deliverance from the just wrath of God, (“by grace ye are saved”) (2:1 - 6).

…From Beastly Depravity To Bridal Status...

Then to add to their unbounded delight, their blessings in Christ have been enlarged to include membership in the bride Of Christ, the church which He loved and gave Himself for (5:2 5). Seeing they were, at the time Christ died, aliens, strangers, and without God in the world (2:12). They were at the time by human standards the most unlikely candidates for the least favor of God, much less the salvation of their souls, and beyond ecstatic blessing of redemption they are called to share the most intimate relationship with Christ, which only the bride of
Christ may experience.

….Includes Homes And Families…

The circle of their blessings in Christ encompasses their homes and children. They are caused to see that the tranquil state of their domestic or family life is owing to the grace of God. To perpetuate the happy state of the family, the divine Formula is given, which if neglected will bring heartache.

Yet, it is needful for us, while we have been made to partake of the great riches of God in Christ, to be made aware of our proneness to presume upon the goodness of God, and forget that we are in a fierce spiritual battle with a relentless foe who is bent on robbing us of our blessing in Christ.

…Spiritual Warfare…

Thus it is Paul concludes the Ephesians epistle by reminding them of their spiritual warfare. He highlights the vehemence and subtleness of the enemy, and flakes them aware that they are in a battle against supernatural forces. The battle being waged is not to determine their eternal destiny that is settled by the victory Christ won in their behalf on Calvary, and by His resurrection from the grave. The battle has to do with our service unto Christ, Tire more faithful the saint is, the greater is God‘s glory revealed In Him. Satan is determined to bedim God’s glory, and to realize This diabolical ambition he must make the soldiers of Christ Causalities.

…Essential - The Whole Armour Of God…

To avoid becoming a casualty and to ward off the fierce onslaughts of the enemy it is essential to have on “the whole armour of God.” Anything less leaves us liable to wounds and Defeat.

…Consider Verse 10…

Let us consider verse 10 in the light of the foregoing remarks regarding the saint’s spiritual warfare with the devil, and his God hating allies. Warning! The worst mistake a saint can make is to think that there is one moment when he is not a target of satanic vehemence. We are on the frontline of battle, and there are no lesser lines to fall back to.

…The Source Of Strength…

Vs. 10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord…” The verb “strong” is in the passive voice, and means “to be at all times the possessor of strength.“ The source of, or supply of strength is the Lord, the text does not say, be strong in self, but it does say, “be strong in the Lord.” Thus it is, the strength whereby we stand, or hold our ground, or push the enemy back is Due to the virtue of our union with Christ. We have no inherent strength, but there is through the Holy Spirit available to us the inherent might, power, and strength of Christ. So as there can be no misunderstanding as to the source of strength, Paul says, our strength is in the “power of His might.”

…Phil. 4:13…

The same Greek word (endunamoo) translated “strength” in Vs. 10, is used by Paul in Phil. 4:13, where he says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengeneth me.” Literally translated, Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ, who incessantly pours strength into me.”

…Take Up All Weapons Available…

Vs. 11 “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

“Put on the whole armour of God,” or take up all the weapons made available to you by the power of God, or simply stated, be fully armed. In tile armory of the Lord there is every weapon necessary for the saint’s spiritual defense and victory. Salvation, or regeneration of the soul stands one before the door of the armory, Baptist baptism is the door, and a fervent desire to glorify God is the key which unlocks the door, and admits the lord‘s valiant ones.

To enter this divine arsenal is to be placed on the pillar and ground of the truth (I Tim 3:15), it is to be in the frontlines Of defense of truth, Paul says of himself, “I am set for the Defense of the gospel” (Phil. 1:17).

…The Reason For Being Fully Armed…

“Put on the whole armour of God…” the reason given for being fully equipped is, “that ye may stand against the wiles of the devil.” There is an inference, that is, to be less than fully armed is to invite a fall, and subject ones self to the thundering and destructive hoof beats of satanic horses.

…Modern Warfare - Keep Close To The Ground…

In modern warfare the soldier is to keep as close to the ground as possible, even digging down into the earth to form foxholes or trenches, so as to be sheltered from the sophisticated weapons of the enmity. But it was not so in the days of Paul, soldier was to stand, and do all in his power to keep standing. The wars of those days were fought close at hand, and the weapons were bows and arrows, swords, shields, helmets, horses and chariots, and for a soldier to fall was tantamount, or equal to sure and sudden death. The Ephesian saints would readily grasp the analogy, and appreciate the admonition.

…Flesh And Blood - Not The Primary Enemy…

Vs. 12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood…“ In this statement Paul lumps together all earthborn humankind, and sets them aside as being the primary enemy. The moral and spiritual conflict is not with men as they are in the fallen state, for the regenerate person would be far more than his equal. But the spiritual warfare is with supernatural forces, which empowers and uses depraved God hating men to execute their schemes and designs against the heavenly government of God.

… “Wrestle,” Suggests Hand - To - Hand Combat…

The chief adversary of the saint is not a frail, failing, feeble and visible human enemy. Rest assured, all unregenerated mankind are the bitter enemies of Christ and His church, but, how feeble their efforts would be apart from being strengthened by the supernatural and invisible forces of darkness. The paramount enemy is supernatural and invisible, our dominant foe is the devil (I Pet. 5:8), and Paul says, “we wrestle not with flesh and Blood,” So then, we must ascertain with whom or what do we wrestle? The word “wrestle” suggests face to face, or hand - to - hand combat, and magnifies the need of being fully clothed with the armour of God. Saint, are you willing to fight Goliath in Saul’s armour? It does not fit you, and will only serve to hinder, weight you down, and impair your efficiency. When you face the enmity in this life and death struggle, make sure you can say from the heart like David, “I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts,” (I Sam. 17:45),

Let us bear in mind that all things were created by God, and for His glory, including every heavenly principality, (Col. 1:16). A number of these principalities rebelled against God, and the Government of heaven, which insurrection resulted in their being cast out of the heavenly dwelling of God, They were not cast in the bottomless abyss, but out into the open universe, with unlimited access to the earth (Job1:7, II Cor. 4:4, Eph. 2:2). By the death and resurrection of Christ the powers of darkness was defeated (Col. 2:15 - read), but the devil and his diabolical hosts refuse to lay down the weapons of their warfare, but this does not diminish the victory of Christ, Paul says, “The God of Peace shall bruise Satan shortly under your feet,” (Rom, 16:20), (Rev. 12:12)